The most emotional conversation I ever had with Captain John was one he brought up about a week before he passed away. The conversation was about the future of 49Bravo. It was tough because he talked of a time when he would no longer be here.
First, he told me that 49Bravo would go to his wife, Mrs. Barbara, as part of her security. He then talked about what he envisioned and hoped for. He hoped I might find a way for 49Bravo and me to continue what he and I had done together for many years. He offered many thoughts and suggestions, knowing that finances would be my biggest obstacle.
The more I listened, the more my emotions tried to get the best of me.
After a pause, I responded, but not actually to his thoughts. I let him know what a joy our many years together side by side had been for me and that I would forever cherish our friendship that developed from the very start. I told him my heart was content, even if I never flew again, and that I was so proud of the time we shared. I thanked him for making me a better pilot by mentoring me in so many different ways. Then, I let him know I loved him.
After another considerable pause and with much thought, I made him a promise. The promise was I would try, try my best, to figure out a way forward to use 49Bravo. If I did find a way, I would continue for as long as possible, knowing that time would be decided by finances. I also told him that when that time arrived, I would figure out the right path forward for 49Bravo's future.
I could tell without any doubt my response made him happy and was what he wanted to hear. I knew this from the big smile (a smile he was famous for) that he had all over his face!
After this, we never discussed 49Bravo again! I did not take this lightly. I knew within my heart that I could keep my promise because all I needed to do was try and try I did!
I am so proud to say it all worked out. I purchased 49Bravo from John's wife, Mrs. Barbara. She gave me her blessings, knowing I would carry on John's legacy. I completed the first Angel Flight after Johns's passing on June 9th, 2022. I did know from the beginning there would come that time when finances would alert me about the need to stop.
For the next two-plus years, 49Bravo and I safely completed forty Angel Flight Missions, transporting people in need (adults and children) all over the Mid-Atlantic region from small mountain-top Airstrips to large class B Airports. As with John and I, passengers became like family. Their strength and courage, along with the big smiles and hugs we received during their difficult times, always made John and I feel we were the ones being helped!
49Bravo and I also flew over forty "Share the Passion" flights during this time. These flights were for anyone interested in taking a flight over our beautiful valley, allowing me to share the passion that Captain John and I shared together. John loved doing this, so in his honor, I gave them the name of "Share the Passion."
After the 2nd year, and to no surprise, I could see the alerts of cost soon becoming a problem. So, I turned my thoughts towards the best way forward, knowing 49Bravo would need to be sold. I had given much thought to when this time would come. I knew without a doubt selling 49Bravo to a stranger who would fly her away would be the last thing I would ever consider! It would never be about getting the best price; it would be about doing what was right and in a way that would still continue Captain John's legacy.
I had hoped her new owner could be a local pilot at our airport who knew Captain John and his passion—also, someone with the desire to do charitable flying. Also, I hoped for 49Bravo to remain at Luray, preferably in her hangar, a place I consider very special.
Realizing a new owner may eventually paint her, my hope for this would be for a decal put on her, honoring Captain John. Not too much to hope for, right?
I also had a personal goal that I hoped to achieve before needing to sell, and that was to see 49Bravo safely complete her 500th Angel Flight Mission. In August last year, my last few missions brought her total to 502, passing my hoped-for goal!
So, in November of last year, it all worked out! I sold 49Bravo to a good friend, Christian Goebal. Christian is a local pilot and has been an instructor for many years. He helped me through getting my pilot's license many years ago and then my instrument rating after I met Captain John.
He knew and admired Captain John, thinking highly of his passion for helping others. He also wanted to one day use his love of flying to help others in the same way. He is keeping 49Bravo in her hanger, and when he decides to paint, a decal will be applied to honor Captain John!
This transition of 49Bravo turned out to be everything I hoped for and even more! With the special deal Christian and I decided upon, he put me on his insurance, and I still have flying rights, just paying for fuel as I go! That means I can still do both Angel Flights and Share the Passion flights just as before, but without the major expense of owning an airplane!
On top of this, Christian is currently having 49Bravo's panel upgraded! This was something that John and I had hoped to do, but the cost made it prohibitive.
To top it all off, Christian is now an official pilot for Mercy Medical Angels/Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic! I am looking forward to our first Angel Flight Mission together!
I feel so blessed for how this all worked out and to have followed through with the promise I made to John. I am grateful to Christian for understanding my thoughts on what I hoped for in selling 49Bravo, and I am elated for still being able to fly her. And I am beyond happy that Captain John's Legacy will continue!
When 49Bravo's panel upgrade is complete (around the end of April), she will be back in the air! Christian will give her many new adventures, and I will continue to fly as much as my home obligations permit.
Today, March 3rd, is three years since Captain John took his final flight with his new set of wings. I feel, deep within my heart, that he may have had a hand in all of this. I can see him now with that great big smile on his face!
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