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Donor Advised Funds

Support Free Medical Transportation for Patients and Caregivers

A donor advised fund (DAF), is a charitable savings account that gives you the flexibility to recommend grants to Mercy Medical Angels (MMA).

You can now give to MMA from your Donor Advised Fun (DAF) account in just three-clicks, giving you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Mercy Medical Angels.

Click the Donor Advised Fund button below to get started.

NOTE: To add a designation (such as Angel Wings for Veterans, Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic, etc.) please click DAFpay below and add your desired designation to the "Message" field after logging in to your Donor Advised Fund account.

If you already have a donor advised fund, use the tool above to connect to your fund. 

Questions? Contact Mercy Medical Angels at 757-916-7059 or to discuss using your DAF to support MMA and its’ mission. 

Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor if you’re interested in setting up a fund. 

Please consider including Mercy Medical Angels in your plans:

Mercy Medical Angels

101 W. Main Street, Suite 1000

Norfolk, VA 23510 

Federal Tax ID# 52-1374161

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