The mercy medical angels logo is blue and white

Who We Help

Provide Free Medical Transport Services to Patients in Need.

Providing Access to Healing – One Patient at a Time 

Removing the Barrier to Medical Care with 

Free Medical Transport Services.

When a patient is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease or a serious health issue their lives can quickly be turned upside-down. Often the medical care they need is at a distant healthcare center.  Faced with financial uncertainty, the cost of transportation to the clinical care they need can be a challenge for many patients.

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A Legacy of Providing No-Cost Transportation to Patients

Mercy Medical Angels has provided free transportation to medical care since 1972 ensuring that no one in need is denied medical care because they don't have transportation. Ground transportation is provided with gas cards, bus and train tickets. Air transportation is flown by volunteer pilots or a commercial airline partner. 

All patients must be physically capable of boarding a small airplane or commercial airliner and require no medical assistance during travel. 

Our mission is to remove the barrier to medical care with transportation on the ground and in the air. The patients we serve are the faces of our mission. They are the heroes of their own stories as they battle illness. They are the reason Mercy Medical Angels exists. Helping cancer patients, children, Veterans and their families in need – these individuals and families are why we do what we do. 

The transportation services are true blessings to the patients you enable us to serve. Your gift allows them to focus on healing. They no longer have to spend their time worrying whether or not they can afford the high cost of travel. But they can’t continue their fight without your help. These patients suffer from desperate financial and medical need, and they count on donors like you to restore and renew their lives. 

Once you start getting involved with Mercy Medical Angels, you won’t want to stop. Giving unused frequent flier miles, donating money, volunteering, and even spreading awareness through social media and word of mouth can all support the mission. When you give to Mercy Medical Angels, you’re giving the gifts of life and hope. Together, we can ensure a healthy and happy future.

Help Patients in Need Receive Vital Healthcare. Give Today!

Patients must be ambulatory, which means they must be able to walk independently, enter and exit the plane with little or no assistance, and require no medical care (e.g., doctor or nurse) en route. 

Flights to Healthcare

... by volunteer pilots in private aircraft or commercial airlines enabling patients access to distant healthcare.

Medical Transportation

... on the ground with gas cards, bus and train tickets or in the air with volunteer pilots and commercial airlines, transportation to medical care helps patients live their best lives.

Veteran Services

... serving those who have served our nation by providing travel to clinical care, service dog acquisition, healing retreats and PTS and TBI treatments and other healing modalities.

Our Free Medical Transport Services

Every year Mercy Medical Angels provides more than 53,000 free trips to medical care across the country and around the world for patients of every age and need.

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