"Due to chronic pain associated with issues resulting from a rear end car accident, I am no longer able to work. I have been denied disability, and I don't have insurance."
"The conditions that resulted from the car accident include chronic bilateral low back pain with intermittent radiating pain down both legs. I also have pelvic floor dysfunction with possible pudendal neuralgia. On top of all that, I have internal/external hemorrhoids."
"UNC Chapel Hill gives me charity care, but they don't offer transportation. To get from my home to UNC Chapel Hill and back again, I have to drive almost 200 miles. I needed surgery but couldn't afford gas to get there."
"Mercy Medical Angels sent me gas cards so that I could go to the hospital for my surgery. They helped me have financial stability, along with maintaining my physical and mental wellness. My experience with them was good."
"Thank you so much. Mercy Medical Angels!"
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