Hannah and Spencer found out that Boston Children’s Hospital could perform a surgery called biventricular repair. This would make Valerie’s heart work normally, so that she could live a healthy life.
“It’s the only place in the world that regularly performs biventricular repairs on heterotaxy babies,” said Hannah. However, Valerie’s path to healing wasn’t completely cleared. She would have to fly with her parents from their home in Oregon to Boston Children’s Hospital. They didn’t have the money for a round-trip ticket. The light of hope was dimming, and time was running out.
Mercy Medical Angels stepped in to save the day. Working together with United, the nonprofit provided free round-trip tickets for Valerie and her parents. With the barrier of distance removed, Valerie was able to receive the life-saving surgery.
Hannah’s gratitude overflows when she talks about how Mercy Medical Angels helped Valerie. “They’re truly angelic,” said Hannah, “they made it possible for Valerie to receive her life-saving surgery.”
When asked what she would say to donors, Hannah’s answer comes from the center of her heart: “You are providing people experiencing trauma with help at a critical time. Thank you!"
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