"I had childhood cancer in 1977 and was a test subject in a research protocol. The late effects have ravaged my body. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2015. It also caused me to have osteoporosis, which led to a compression fracture of my T12 vertebrae in 2017.”
“I’m disabled from congestive heart failure. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t work. My disability check barely covers my living expenses and medical bills. The hospital that can best help me is almost 170 miles away from my home, but I can’t afford gas to attend the medical appointments I need.”
“Mercy Medical Angels’ ground transportation program sent me prepaid gas cards. With their transportation assistance, I was able to travel to receive the care I needed. My doctors were able to fix the crushed vertebrae and restore my quality of life.”
“I honestly don’t know what I’d do without Mercy Medical Angels. Sending me those gas cards helped to alleviate my suffering. I truly appreciate the help from the bottom of my heart!”
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