The beginning of 2021 was a sad time for Mercy Medical Angels, as Robb Alpaugh had passed away. He served as the President and CEO of Mercy Medical Angels for 5 years, and as a volunteer pilot for 15 years. In his memory, the Pilot of the Year award was renamed “Robb Alpaugh Memorial Pilot of the Year Award.”
In 2021, this new award went to Mark Cross, a volunteer pilot based in Virginia.
Mark Cross is the Chief Flight Instructor at APS Flight School. He has held this position since 2011. Cross earned his flight instructor certifications in the early 1980s. In addition to his service as a volunteer pilot for Mercy Medical Angels, he has also flown as an air ambulance pilot and a part-time corporate pilot.
Cross enjoys fly fishing in his spare time. He also restores vintage aircraft, including his 1940 J3 Cub.
Cross is one of more than 500 volunteer pilots who fly for Mercy Medical Angels. They help patients in need across 10 states and Washington D.C. by transporting them to life-saving care. Altogether, the volunteer pilots flew 999 missions in 2020.
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Mercy Medical Angels is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Non-Profit Tax ID #: 52-1374161
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