The mercy medical angels logo is blue and white

Free Medical Flights

Get Free Non-Emergency
Medical Flights for

Ongoing Critical Treatment.

Mercy Medical Angels provides assistance in the air with commercial airline tickets and volunteer pilots, and on the ground with gas cards, bus and train tickets.

Mercy Medical Angels has temporarily relaxed our financial need requirements for commercial air assistance. We encourage anyone needing transportation to medical care facing any degree of financial uncertainty to apply for assistance.

A silhouette of an airplane flying in the sky on a white background.

Commercial Airline Tickets

Mercy Medical Angels provides charitable, need-based commercial airline assistance for patients and one medically-necessary escort.

We require:

A minimum of 21 days’ notice before your travel date to consider flight assistance.

A completed medical clearance form from the doctor who has recently physically seen the patient and knows they are going to this appointment. Our medical clearance form will be faxed to the doctor after we receive your application.

Income verification which includes total household income and assets for everyone living in the household. Forms of verification include current year complete income tax return and current award letters from Disability and SSI (if applicable). 

Mercy Medical Angels may sponsor a round-trip for a patient and one non-medical attendant (if the doctor finds it medically necessary) on a commercial flight, coach seating.

The patient must:

Be able to sit on their own once they are in the seat.

Require little or no medical attention.

Be able to transfer out of their wheelchair into their seat on the aircraft with little or no assistance (they cannot have someone literally pick them up and sit them in the seat).

If the patient requires oxygen, some airlines may provide it during the flight. Otherwise, the patient must have a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) approved by the FAA or the airlines. Commercial airlines require no less than 48 hours advance notice to prepare for the equipment needed. The patient is responsible for making these arrangements and paying any travel fees associated with the oxygen.

An income-based, minimal, nonrefundable airline ticket processing fee will be determined upon verification of all required income documentation. 
Commercial Airline Assistance

A white background with a few lines on it

Volunteer Pilot Transportation

Mercy Medical Angels’ volunteer pilots generously donate their time and planes to transport patients to life-saving medical care. 

Patients (with or without escort) must be ambulatory and require no medical monitoring or care during the flight. Mercy Medical Angel’s program Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic serves the residents of Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Delaware, Michigan, Ohio and Washington, DC. 

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