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Floyd: A Tale of Thankfulness

November 19, 2020

Uphill Battle

Floyd lives in West Virginia with his wife. His home state is a history buff’s dream, home to the town of Harper’s Ferry and the old B & O Railroad Roundhouse. It’s also a place of natural wonders, from the Shenandoah River to the Appalachian Mountains.  

But for Floyd, life in the Mountain State is certainly one for the history books – and it hasn’t been easy. Floyd has a complex medical history, ranging from multiple strokes to Stage 4 cancer. In a state with rugged terrain and a history of conflict, finding adequate medical care has been an uphill battle. 

Floyd’s voice is ragged and weak, not much more than a loud whisper. Still, he makes a strong effort to tell his story.  

Complications Crash Down

“I have a rare blood disease that attacks my organs,” said Floyd, “and the only doctors that can help me are at Cleveland Clinic.” He’s been going there every week, sometimes twice a week, for 16 years. 

The renowned care center is a long drive - five hours and 300 miles - from his home. Taking a plane isn’t a viable option. His wife is his primary caregiver and she’s afraid of flying. Also, the pandemic made traveling in close quarters far too risky for Floyd. His immune system is very weak, from both his illnesses and the intense treatment regimen. “All of my doctors agree that if I catch the coronavirus, I’ll die.” 

Floyd is also retired. “One third of my income goes to medical bills,” said Floyd. Between medical bills and the cost of gas for his car, his resources were quickly running out. Complications were crashing down on him like an avalanche. How could he possibly dig himself out? 

New Direction

That was when Floyd found out about Mercy Medical Angels’ ground transportation program. Mercy Medical Angels sent him free gas cards. This enabled him to pay for the long trip to and from Cleveland Clinic. 

“I keep saying this - it helps a lot,” said Floyd. “I was really impressed. They offered so much.” 

Now, Floyd’s life was headed in a new direction. This time, he wasn’t lost in the darkness of despair. Instead, he was guided by the lights of hope. 

“I Felt Like You Really Cared...” 

Floyd will need more assistance as time goes on. His current conditions may flare up, or a new problem may ambush him. “Every year, it’s something new,” said Floyd. 

Still, he trusts that Mercy Medical Angels will continue to help him. When asked what he would say to a potential donor, his answer shines with pure thankfulness. “Everyone at Mercy Medical Angels is so caring. What they do is very helpful.” He pauses before continuing: “I felt like you really cared. I appreciate everything.” 

When illness crashes into an elderly individual’s life, what was once stable falls to pieces. The reasons for being thankful begin to decrease. With help from Mercy Medical Angels’ ground transportation program, elderly individuals like Floyd find the strength to fight through their challenges. The road may be rough, and the journey may be long. But in the end, elderly individuals like Floyd can tell a tale of thankfulness. 

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