“I needed to travel across the country for a healing retreat with Lone Survivor Foundation,” said Blair. The retreat would help her with therapy and providing other important resources. It would also give Blair the chance to connect with other Veterans who shared her experiences.
However, another problem came up, and it was a serious one. The retreat center was in Fayetteville, North Carolina, more than 1,000 miles from Blair’s home. That was just going one way. Her best option for travel was a round trip commercial flight. Unfortunately, Blair didn’t have enough money for the airline tickets.
Blair wasn’t the only one suffering. “I’m a single mother,” said Blair, “and have four children to take care of.” It seemed Blair’s chances at a better life were sinking. Despair was weighing her down. How would she get to the retreat?
That was when angels flew in – Mercy Medical Angels, that is! The nonprofit’s program for Veterans teamed up with Southwest. This partnership enabled Blair to travel to and from the Lone Survivor Foundation retreat.
“During the retreat,” said Blair, “I was able to get my brain to think clearly for the first time in years.” She also made meaningful connections. “I met other female Veterans who I resonated with,” said Blair. “I had been feeling so isolated and alone. Now, I finally feel like there are others who understand me.”
Now, Blair is doing much better. She is able to cope with her challenges in healthy ways. “I can finally process my thoughts and emotions,” said Blair. Also, she has secured housing, and no longer has to worry about homelessness. “I would surely be on the streets,” said Blair, “but Mercy Medical Angels, Southwest, and Lone Survivor Foundation saved me.”
"This couldn’t have come at a better time in my life.”
Veterans like Blair face countless challenges. Some of these challenges are seen, while others are invisible. But they have one thing in common: Mercy Medical Angels, Southwest, and Lone Survivor Foundation can help them. And with travel assistance to life-saving care, Veterans like Blair can rise above.
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